Using 'page' in shortcodes ( cache / issue ? ) - be aware off

Reading time: 1 minute

Since recent Hugo versions (we are now at v0.120) the ellegant ‘page’ notation was introduced. We can now have an easy access to a ‘global Page object’ ! Great.

While we were happily using it like this in Hugo ‘shortcode’ :

{{ page.File.BaseFileName }}

We noticed some (apparently) weird behaviour when building the site and watching what Firefox browser was rendering. Weird.

In the issue queue, at the Github repository we reported it :

’ page’ used in a shortcode presents some not so consistent behaviour : problems occurs only on the first ‘hugo server’ run, [..]

Are we missing something else here ?

Once more, Joe M. to the rescue (just a couple of hours later!), reminded us about the given documentation section in which the ‘missing’ piece could be found.

Now we know that cache and concurrency play their role !

Just FYI.

Happy coding !

Joost van der Schee